Wallis Tractor Company

The Wallis Tractor Company, of Racine, was organized about 1912, with H. M. Wallis as president and treasurer; H. M. Wallis, Jr., secretary, and Oliver P. Conger, director. Later there were added to the directorate W. C. Quarles, of Milwaukee, and P. H. Batten, of Racine. The company manufactures farm and road tractors which were designed by R. O. Hendrickson. The factory was at first located at Cleveland. Ohio, but was later moved to Racine to be closer to the J. I. Case Plow Works, who are the distributors of its product in the United States. The chief distinctive characteristic … Read more

The Western Printing & Lithographing Company

One of the foremost business enterprises of Racine was organized in 1908 and succeeded to the business of John Geller, who had conducted his interests under the name of the Westside Printing Company. He had established the business about 1906, and it was conducted under the original name until 1910, when it was incorporated under the laws of Wisconsin as the Western Printing & Lithographing Company. In 1908 Edward H. Wadewitz had bought out the Westside Printing Company and admitted William Bell to a partnership, while six months later Roy A. Spencer became a member of the firm and afterward … Read more

The Wisconsin Agriculturist

This paper was first issued at Racine, Wisconsin, January 1, 1877, under the name of The Racine Agriculturalist. An introductory on the first page, signed by A. F. Sweetser, states that it is the object of the “proprietor” to benefit the farmers of the country “as much as possible in inserting in its columns such articles as will be of special interest to them in their business and by offering such suggestions as may lighten the labor of the farm.” It is frankly stated that the columns of the paper will be largely devoted to advertising, but only such articles … Read more