Obituary of John Turner Olin

Ancestry US

The following data is extracted from Eau Claire County, Wisconsin Obituaries.

At the residence of his son, C. F. [Charles Forrest] Olin, in the town of Washington, on Dec. 1, 1900, occurred the death of John Turner Olin at the age of 63 years, 10 months and 2 days. The deceased had suffered for some months from a complication of disease, an apoplectic stroke being the immediate cause of his demise.

Mr. Olin was born in Delaware County, N.Y., and was the eldest son of George and Mary (Turner) Olin. At the age of nine years he removed with his parents to Iowa and four years later to Wisconsin, settling near Madison, Dane County. Thence to Marquette County in 1851, locating on what was then known as the Menomnee Indian Reservation at that time unsettled and unsurveyed. In 1855 they came to Eau Claire, then Chippewa County, where he has since resided.

April 20, 1860 he was united in marriage with Elvira E. Holsted [Halstead], also a native of N. Y. Of the five children born to them, two daughters, Mrs. L. Ellis of Craft, Chippewa County and Mrs. W. Fraser of the town of Washington, and two sons, Chas. F. and John Boyd Olin of the same place, mourn with their widowed mother, the loss of a loving husband and kind father. A brother S. M. Olin is the only surviving member of their generation.

Funeral services were held at the home on Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. F. W. Cooksley and W. A. McKillop, after which the remains were interred in Pleasant Grove Cemetery. A large concourse assembled to render their last tribute of affection and respect to their departed friend and neighbor.

Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Ancestry US

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