Peerless Machine Company

Ancestry US

A. Rasmussen and C. Rasmussen are treasurer and vice president respectively, of the Peerless Machine Company, which was incorporated in 1916. This company was formed for the manufacture of high speed power hack saws and their machines are now upon the markets of England, Denmark, Holland and Japan. In the conduct of this undertaking they have shown a most enterprising and progressive spirit and each month marks a notable advance in the success of the business. The brothers have been lifelong residents of Racine County, their birth having occurred in North Cape Township in 1878 and 1880, respectively, the parents being Hans and Mary (Hansen) Rasmussen, both of whom were born in Denmark. They came to the United States in 1871, settled in Chicago and were there married. They began their domestic life in that city, but after three years removed to a farm in North Cape Township, Racine County, where Mr. Rasmussen continued to engage in general agricultural pursuits up to the time of his death, which occurred twenty-four years ago. After the demise of her husband, Mrs. Rasmussen established her home in Racine, where she still resides. In their family were eight children, as follows: Peter and Martin, both of whom are residents of Racine; A. and Charles, of this review; Mary, at home; Anna, who is the wife of Frank Ewen and resides in Michigan; Emma, who gave her hand in marriage to Thomas Temerr, of Racine; and Katie. at home.

A. and C. Rasmussen were public school pupils and when their textbooks were put aside began to learn the machinist’s trade, which they followed until twelve years ago. At that time they formed a partnership and organized the Racine Gas Engine Company. Four years afterward the business was changed to the Racine Tool Company and six years ago they sold out. A. Rasmussen then did considerable experimenting and he also sold engines for a time. In 1916 they organized the Peerless Machine Company, which was incorporated with a capital of twenty-five thousand dollars, with H. L. Herrick as the president, Charles Rasmussen as vice president, R. T. Ingles as secretary and A. Rasmussen as treasurer. This company manufactures a high speed power hack saw and has installed its machines in the markets of England, Denmark. Holland and Japan, and is perfecting its plans to place its machines in every country in the world. Mr. Rasmussen was the first to manufacture a high speed power hack saw and has given to the world a device of marked and recognized value.

In 1907 Mr. Rasmussen was married to Miss Katie Seater. His brother, Charles Rasmussen, was married twelve years ago to Hannah Paulsen and they have a daughter, Evelyn, ten years of age. Both brothers are mechanics of marked ability and both are inventors, having won a number of patents upon their inventions, while several are still pending. They are alert and energetic, constantly studying along the lines into which their native talents have directed them, and their efforts have constituted a valuable asset in the world’s work. They are now meeting with well merited success, their plant having a floor space of forty by one hundred and eight feet, and they expect soon to enlarge the building in order to meet the growing demands of the trade.

Source: Stone, Fanny S. Racine, Belle City of the lakes, and Racine County, Wisconsin : a record of settlement, organization, progress and achievement; Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1916.

Ancestry US

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