Bank Of Burlington

The Bank of Burlington was organized under the name of the First National Bank of Burlington, December 14, 1871, by Jerome I. Case, Stephen Bull, R. H. Baker, B. B. Northrop and Chauncy Hall, and other prominent business men of this part of the state were among the stockholders. The bank opened its doors for business on the 26th of February, 1872. That the first years of business were not entirely along flowery paths, is evidenced by the report of Chauncy Hall, cashier, at the end of the first fiscal year, in which he says: “You are well aware of … Read more

Beffel Furniture & Undertaking Company

The Beffel Furniture & Undertaking Company has succeeded to the business established by Mathias Beffel, the enterprise having been in continuous existence for forty-one years. The store is located at No. 610 Sixth street, Racine, and the interests of the concern are managed by William J. Beffel, who is president of the company, and Edward Beffel, secretary and treasurer. It was on the 26th of September, 1914, that the business was organized under the present name. The original establishment was located at the corner of College avenue and Sixth Street and after two years a removal was made to the … Read more

Brehm Brothers Company

Brehm Brothers Company is one of the oldest and most prosperous business concerns of Burlington, doing a storage, draying and heavy teaming business and also dealing in coal and salt. Another feature of the business is the sale of heavy draft horses and the quality of their horses is acknowledged by expert judges to be the best in southern Wisconsin. The business was founded in 1868 by Bernard Brehm, a sketch of whom appears above. In 1891 the firm name was changed to B. Brehm & Son, when the father was joined in the partnership by his eldest son, William … Read more

The Carroll Coal Company

The Carroll Coal Company, one of the foremost enterprises of this character operating in Racine, was organized on the 1st of May, 1910, succeeding to the business of Joseph C. Carroll, who in turn was the successor of the firm of E. L. Hedstrom & Company, who about 1886 embarked in the coal, coke and wood business. The enterprise has since had a continuous existence and the trade has developed to large proportions. The present officers of the Carroll Company are: Fred C. Best, president; Douglas F. McKey, secretary, and George T. Caystile, treasurer and manager. The yards and main … Read more

Chicago Rubber Clothing Company

The Chicago Rubber Clothing Company, with its plant at the corner of Albert Street, the Northwestern tracks and Forest Avenue, controls one of the largest establishments of this kind in the United States. The company has about four acres of ground space, its buildings covering two acres. Two of these are three stories in height, one is two stories and two are one story structures and all are of brick construction, adequately supplied with a sprinkler system. The buildings are well lighted and ventilated and the employees work under sanitary conditions. They employ over two hundred people, fifty per cent … Read more

The Commercial Press Company

The Commercial Press Company was organized July 17. 1902, with a capital of ten thousand dollars, of which five thousand four hundred dollars was paid in. The first officers were: Robert C. Hindley, president; Robert W. Hindley, vice president; and T. P. Luker, secretary and treasurer. On the 29th of August, 1902, F. C. Bailey purchased stock to the amount of two thousand dollars and on the 9th of April, 1903, the Hindleys and Mr. Bailey sold out to F. G. and John Hassold and Ollie Luker. At that time the Hassolds put twenty-six hundred dollars more in the business … Read more

The History of Racine County, Wisconsin Businesses

The History of Racine County, Wisconsin Businesses   American Mangle & Roller Company  American Seating Company  American Skein & Foundry Company  Arnold Electric Company  Bank Of Burlington  Beffel Furniture & Undertaking Company  Brehm Brothers Company  Carroll Coal Company  Chicago Rubber Clothing Company  Commercial Press Company  E. C. Tecktonius Manufacturing Company  Elite Laundry  F. J. Greene Engineering Works  Gold Medal Camp Furniture Manufacturing Company  Hartmann Trunk Company  Henricksen & Jacobson  Higgins Spring & Axle Company  Horlick Malted Milk Company  J. I. Case Plow Works  J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company  Junction Hardware Company  Lavine Gear Company  Mitchell-Lewis Motor Company  Mohr-Jones Hardware Company … Read more

Racine Manufacturing Company

The business now conducted under the name of the Racine Manufacturing Company was organized about 1910 under the present form but was established about 1902 under the name of the Racine Novelty Company by George W. Jagers. The business was thus conducted until December, 1909, when the plant was destroyed by fire, and in 1910 the company was reorganized with George W. Jagers, F. K. Bull and Fred F. Blandin as the incorporators. Since that time changes in ownership have occurred and the present officers are: John Reid, Jr., president: Charles F. Barndt, vice president, and F. J. Kidd, secretary … Read more

J. I. Case Plow Works

The story of the growth of the J. I. Case Plow Works from a small, obscure blacksmith shop in the rear of a fanning mill factory to the present large concern occupying over twenty acres of space, is a story of constant progress based upon quality and service. From the beginning the policy of the company has been to make every tool that bore its trademark a little better than any other similar tool and to co-operate to the fullest extent with the dealer handling its products. The business was organized in 1876 by J. I. Case under the name … Read more

Racine Paper Goods Company

The Racine Paper Goods Company was organized in 1894 by Lucius J. Elliott, Byron B. Blake, Richard T. Robinson and O. L. Parmenter. This was started as a partnership affair, the plant, being located at No. 612 Wisconsin Street. They manufacture paper cigar pockets, patented by O. L. Parmenter. The company was incorporated in 1902 with L. J. Elliott as president; R. T. Robinson, vice president, and O. L. Parmenter, secretary and treasurer. The company also manufactures packages for putting up silk, chocolates and other kinds of candy, etc. Their product is sold all over the world and this business … Read more