Peerless Machine Company

A. Rasmussen and C. Rasmussen are treasurer and vice president respectively, of the Peerless Machine Company, which was incorporated in 1916. This company was formed for the manufacture of high speed power hack saws and their machines are now upon the markets of England, Denmark, Holland and Japan. In the conduct of this undertaking they have shown a most enterprising and progressive spirit and each month marks a notable advance in the success of the business. The brothers have been lifelong residents of Racine County, their birth having occurred in North Cape Township in 1878 and 1880, respectively, the parents … Read more

Perfex Radiator Company

The Perfex Radiator Company, of Racine, established business in Chicago in 1910 and was removed to this city on the 12th of October, 1912, a location being secured on Fifteenth Street, at the Northwestern railway tracks, where they occupy a three-story brick building one hundred and twenty by one hundred and ten feet. The business was established in Chicago under the name of the Aero Sheet Metal Works and afterward was incorporated there under the name of the Automobile Radiator & Parts Manufacturing Company in 1911. With the removal to Racine the name was changed to the Perfex Radiator Company … Read more

Racine Auto Tire Company

The Racine Auto Tire Company was organized as a partnership February 1, 1910. by L. J. Elliott and Clarence H. Wright and was incorporated November 28, 1914, with Mr. Elliott as president, J. H. Wright as vice president and Clarence H. Wright as secretary, treasurer and manager. The plant is located at No. 1220 Fourteenth Street. They started with small space and three employees, while the output amounted to three tires per day. Something of the growth of the business within the short space of less than six years is indicated in the fact that they now employ one hundred … Read more

Racine Carriage Company

The Racine Carriage Company is one of the most recent additions to the corporations which are doing business in Racine and which promote the commercial and industrial activity and consequent prosperity of the city. This company was organized in December, 1914, and succeeded to the vehicle business of the Racine-Sattley Company and also to that of the Richardson-Kennedy Company. William H. Richardson became the president of the new concern, with Joseph O. Kennedy as vice president and J. C. Lund as secretary and treasurer. All three are well known to the vehicle trade throughout the United States, for Mr. Richardson … Read more

Racine City Bank

The Racine City Bank was organized in 1907 and opened its doors for business on the 25th of January, 1908. Its first directorate included William G. Gittings, who was chosen president: Fred W. Gunther, vice president; Henry N. Bacon, cashier: C. A. Wustum, Chris Slot, E. C. Tecktonius, W. T. Harvey, A. J. Piper, Thomas Hay, W. J. Higgins and G. W. Blythe. There was no change in the personnel of the officers of the bank, a fact which indicates the harmonious relations which have ever existed in the management and the efficiency of those who as officers control the … Read more

Racine Electric Company

The Racine Electric Company is one of the more recently established enterprises of the County, having been in existence for four years. It was organized in 1912 with Toulie Tolfson as president; John Ruggaber as secretary, treasurer and manager, and William Nelson as director. In the year 1913 Messrs. Tolfson and Nelson sold out and Herbert Van Bree, purchasing an interest in the business, was elected to the presidency. The business was started on Douglas avenue, in a small place, there remaining until the increasing trade caused a removal when larger quarters were secured at the corner of Prospect and … Read more

Higgins Spring & Axle Company

The Higgins Spring & Axle Company is successor to the Ansted & Higgins Spring Company, which was established in 1884 by Michael Higgins and E. W. Ansted. Their plant was located at Racine Junction and there they began the manufacture of springs, putting upon the market a product which found immediate favor, as indicated by the continued growth of their business. This led to the establishment of a branch plant at Connersville, Indiana, which was afterward taken over by Mr. Ansted, and the partnership was then dissolved, Mr. Higgins remaining in charge of the Racine establishment. The company was incorporated … Read more

Racine Hosiery Company

Racine is constantly drawing to it new industrial and commercial enterprises. Its development along manufacturing lines within the past few years has been notably rapid and among the concerns which have been started in the city in less than a half decade is that operating under the name of the Racine Hosiery Company, with W. R. Anderson as president, Alexander R. Anderson as manager and treasurer and J. H. Brinsley, secretary. The success of this undertaking was insured from the beginning, for its officers are men of long and broad practical experience in connection with every phase of the knitting … Read more

Horlick Malted Milk Company

The name of no productive industry of the United States is perhaps more widely known than that of the Horlick Malted Milk Company, the business of which has developed until it reaches into all parts of the civilized world. The company was organized in 1875 and was incorporated in 1878 as the Horlick Food Company by William Horlick and James Horlick, brothers, who established their plant in the outskirts of Racine, in Mount Pleasant Township. They began to manufacture a product known as Horlick’s Food, which was a prepared food for infants, invalids and the aged, to be added to … Read more

Racine Iron & Wire Works

With a trade that extends to all parts of the United States, the industry conducted under the name of the Racine Iron & Wire Works is manufacturing household supplies, chemical fire extinguishers, and wire and iron railings and fences. Wherever man has felt a need, ingenuity has sprung into the breach and genius has brought forth something that has met the need. Thus in our constantly developing and complex civilization the manufacturing interests have multiplied and here and there have sprung up cities that. are largely given over to supplying the world’s demand for labor saving devices. Such a concern … Read more