J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company

If there were no other business enterprise, cultural force, educational institution or civic project to have made the name of Racine famous, the mammoth manufacturing concern operated as the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company would alone have accomplished this for today wherever grain is grown throughout the civilized world the products o f this great factory have found their way. The history of this business is in large measure the history of Racine’s industrial, commercial and financial development. It was one of the pioneer industries and remains today its foremost productive concern. Century after century had passed and yet … Read more

Racine Puttyless Window Company

The Racine Puttyless Window Company, one of the recent additions to the business circles of Racine, was organized in 1914, at which time Gustave Bahnemann was chosen president, with Walter S. Goodland, secretary and treasurer, and Dr. J. S. Beech as vice president. There has been no change in the personnel of the firm since that time. The business is conducted at No. 1117 Main street, where they occupy a building two hundred by one hundred and fifteen feet and two stories in height with a four story factory on the west side of the street that is fifty by … Read more

Junction Hardware Company

The Junction Hardware Company is one of the well established and successful mercantile enterprises of Racine, the business being now carried on by Frederick T. and William G. Maxted. These brothers are sons of Frederick William Maxted, who was born in England and in 1881, came to Racine. In 1891 he established a hardware business at No. 1330 Washington Street, which was one of the first in that part of the town; and in 1894 he erected the present building, a two-story structure, thirty by eighty-seven and a half feet. Since that time the hardware business has been conducted at … Read more

Racine Rubber Company

The Racine Rubber Company was organized March 12, 1910, its first officers being C. F. U. Kelley, president ; Frank L. Mitchell, vice president ; Stuart Webster, treasurer, and J. H. Dwight, secretary. Mr. Kelley severed his connection with the business in 1912, at which time George B. Wilson became the president and so continued until January, 1914, when he, too, withdrew from connection with the business. At that date H. L. McLaren became president and advertising manager and in that position so continues, with Stuart Webster as vice president, general manager and treasurer ; H. C. Severance, secretary ; … Read more

Lavine Gear Company

The Lavine Gear Company, which was organized in Detroit, removed its headquarters from that city to Wisconsin in March, 1912. Its plant was at first located at Corliss, Wisconsin, for eight months and at the end of that time a removal was made to Racine. The plant is located in the Satterly building and the company is engaged in the manufacture of auto steering gears for trucks and pleasure cars, these being built after their own design. They also manufacture a special steering gear for customers. Today the plant employs one hundred men who are skilled mechanics and its capacity … Read more

Racine Shoe Manufacturing Company

Among the important business enterprises of Racine which have contributed in large measure to the substantial development of the city is the Racine Shoe Manufacturing Company, which was organized in 1902 with Sands M. Hart as president, L. J. Elliott, secretary and treasurer, and Fred C. Goff as general manager. The plant of the company was located originally at the corner of Wisconsin and Seventh streets, but with the demand for larger quarters, a removal was made in 1906 to 1320 Clark Street. In 1914 Mr. Goff was elected president of the company and in 1916 Jens Jensen became president, … Read more

Mitchell-Lewis Motor Company

The Mitchell-Lewis Motor Company was established under its present form in 1903 by W. T. Lewis and W. M. Lewis, who began the manufacture of automobiles using the motor invented by John W. Bate. Long prior to this the name of Lewis had figured in connection with manufacturing interests in Racine. In 1834 Henry Mitchell, a pioneer wagon manufacturer, had established business here and later was joined in a partnership by his son-in-law, W. T. Lewis, who purchased an interest in the business in 1864. They were manufacturers of farm wagons and after the partnership had been in existence for … Read more

Racine Tool & Machine Company

Racine has called to her midst many captains of industry, men who are controlling extensive and important commercial and industrial interests, and their efforts have given to the city its well earned reputation as a great manufacturing center. One of the important undertakings of Racine is that conducted under the name of the Racine Tool & Machine Company, which was organized in 1908. In December, 1910, it was purchased by J. M. Jones, who is the president, treasurer and general manager of the company, with F. E. Koebler as vice president and L. Jones as secretary. The company manufactures high … Read more

Mohr-Jones Hardware Company

The Mohr-Jones Hardware Company of Racine was organized April 1. 1899, by Jacob Mohr and John W. Jones and succeeded to the business owned by Jacob Mohr, who in 1888 had become successor to the firm of Griffith & Mohr. That partnership was established about 1874 by W. T. Griffith and Jacob Mohr, but Mr. Griffith withdrew from the connection about 1885. In 1889 John W. Jones became an employee of the house and in 1899 became financially interested in the business. Jacob Mohr died January 9, 1909, and Mr. Jones then took over the Mohr interests. In the same … Read more

Mueller-Kuehn Company

The Mueller-Kuehn Company, which was organized in 1907, owns and controls one of the important wholesale grocery establishments of Racine and is enjoying a constantly increasing business. The firm succeeded to the business of Herman F. Mueller, who established the undertaking on the 1st of May, 1876, as a retail store at No. 1017 St. Clair Street. He continued to retail groceries until 1903, but in 1882 removed to the corner of Superior Street and Douglas Avenue, where he continued until 1887, when a removal was made to Nos. 1400-1410 Douglas avenue. There the business has since been continued and … Read more